Mora Gijon
Area: 4BCC Ciencias Sensoriales
Research Area: 4BCC Sensory Sciences
Faculty: 4 Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences (BCC)
Research group: 4BCC Sensory Sciences
Email: mmora@bculinary.com
Doctor by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with the thesis Consumers' emotional response evoked by low alcoholic beverages a methodological approach 2019. Supervised by Dr. Carolina Chaya Romero, Dr. Elena Urdaneta Artola.
Dr. María Mora is a Senior Researcher in the Sensory Analysis and Consumer Science Area at BCC Innovation, the Technology Center for Gastronomy at the Basque Culinary Center. She holds a Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, and a Ph.D. in Agro-Environmental Technology for Sustainable Agriculture. With 10 years of experience in Sensory Analysis and around 20 indexed scientific publications, she has focused most of her research on consumer studies, particularly emotional consumer responses and the psychological dimension of behavior. Since 2015, she has been working as a Sensory Analysis Researcher at BCC Innovation, leading both publicly and privately funded research projects.