Functional characterization of the riboflavin-overproducing and dextran-producing Weissella cibaria BAL3C-5 C120T strain for the development of biofortified plant-based beverages

  1. Diez-Ozaeta, I.
  2. Berasarte, I.
  3. Zeid, A.F.
  4. Fernández, M.
  5. Russo, P.
  6. López, P.
  7. Dueñas, M.T.
  8. Mohedano, M.L.
International Journal of Food Microbiology

ISSN: 1879-3460 0168-1605

Year of publication: 2025

Volume: 426

Type: Review

DOI: 10.1016/J.IJFOODMICRO.2024.110908 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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