1GEP Elektronika eta informatika
Ibai Ulacia Garmendia-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (37)
A general kinematic model for lubricated ball bearings based on the minimum energy hypothesis
Tribology International, Vol. 196
Non-destructive experimental technique to determine ball contact load in rolling machine elements
Tribology International, Vol. 195
Prediction of the maximum tooth root stress for fatigue analysis of highly crowned spherical gear couplings working at high misaligned conditions
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 201
Análisis del efecto del shot-peening y el cementado en la vida a fatiga de los engranajes
Revista española de mecánica de la fractura, Núm. 5, pp. 151-156
Application of the theory of critical distances for fatigue life assessment of spur gears
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 128
Evolución de la fatiga superficial en engranajes de acero al carbono
XXIV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica
Geometry optimisation of highly crowned gear couplings working in high misalignment applications to reduce tooth root stresses
MATEC Web of Conferences
Load distribution and tooth root stress of highly crowned spherical gear couplings working at high misalignment angles
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 179
Numerical-experimental analysis of highly crowned spherical gear couplings working at high misalignment angles
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 183
Tensiones en el pie de acoplamientos dentados abombados que trabajan en aplicaciones con alta desalineación
XXIV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica
The combined effect of contact interface size and spin on lubricated traction in rolling-sliding point contacts
Tribology International, Vol. 188
Theoretical analysis of transmission error in rack and pinion systems
MATEC Web of Conferences
Numerical characterization of local and global non-uniformities in the load distribution in ball screws
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 118, Núm. 5-6, pp. 1411-1425
Spherical gear coupling design space analysis for high misalignment applications
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 173
Análisis de la vida remanente tras fallo por fatiga superficial en engranajes cilíndricos
XXIII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica: Libro de Resúmenes
Computerized generation and tooth contact analysis of spherical gear couplings for high misalignment applications
Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 164
Generación virtual de la geometría 3D de acoplamientos dentados abombados
XXIII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica
Generación virtual de la geometría 3D de acoplamientos dentados abombados
XXIII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica: Libro de Resúmenes
Influencia de la geometría de transmisiones variables continuas toroidales en la fricción
XXIII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica: Libro de Resúmenes
Quasi-static transmission error behavior under the composite effect of temperature and load
Gear Technology, pp. 34-44