Imagen del Faculty 3 Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences  (HUHEZI)

The Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences focuses its research activity in the areas of educational innovation, communication, humanities and cooperativism. In all of them, we develop a collaborative and applied research model that seeks to promote innovation and respond to the needs of schools, organizations and companies. Likewise, our research staff, with extensive accredited experience and trajectory in the research areas, aims to generate knowledge and its transfer with the objective of having a significant impact on the activity of educational centers, organizations and companies, as well as on society in general.


Barrio Dorleta, s/n, 20540 Eskoriatza

Especialidades predominantes (top 10) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones help
Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.

El listado puede contener errores. En proceso de evaluación y mejora. Compartido para recoger sugerencias de la comunidad.

  1. Education (Social Sciences) Filtrar
  2. Linguistics and Language (Social Sciences) Filtrar
  3. Communication (Social Sciences) Filtrar
  4. Language and Linguistics (Arts and Humanities) Filtrar
  5. Developmental and Educational Psychology (Psychology) Filtrar
  6. Literature and Literary Theory (Arts and Humanities) Filtrar
  7. Library and Information Sciences (Social Sciences) Filtrar
  8. Social Psychology (Psychology) Filtrar
  9. Applied Psychology (Psychology) Filtrar
  10. Sociology and Political Science (Social Sciences) Filtrar