Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Maider Baskaran Razkin (11)
Predicting the effect of voids generated during RTM on the low-velocity impact behaviour by machine learning-based surrogate models
Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 260
Efecto de la separación fibra-matriz sobre las propiedades mecánicas de una viga forjada en poliamida reforzada con fibra de vidrio = Effect of the fiber-matrix separation on the mechanical properties of a fiberglass reinforced polyamide forged beam
Revista de Materiales Compuestos; Comunicaciones Matcomp21- Sostenibilidad y reciclaje - Fabricación, Vol. 7, Núm. 1, pp. 1-5
Effect of voids on the impact properties of Non-Crimp fabric carbon/epoxy laminates manufactured by liquid composite Moulding
Composite Structures, Vol. 297
Optimization of the CRTM process by means of monitoring techniques
Revista de Materiales Compuestos
Impregnation quality diagnosis in Resin Transfer Moulding by machine learning
Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 221
Sensitivity to race-tracking of compression resin transfer moulding
ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Simulation and experimental validation of the effect of material and processing parameters on the injection stage of compression resin transfer molding
Polymer Composites, Vol. 39, Núm. 12, pp. 4333-4340
The compression behaviour of non-crimp fabrics composites for automotive applications
ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials
Inpregnazio azkarreko RTM-a automozio sektorerako
II Materialen Zientzia eta Teknologia Kongresua
Karbono-zuntzez osatutako preforma baten konpresioaren karakterizazio esperimentala
II Materialen Zientzia eta Teknologia Kongresua
Manufacturing cost comparison of RTM, HP-RTM and CRTM for an automotive roof
16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014