Influence of thermal distortion on spur gear tooth contact

  1. Dr. Jon Larrañaga 1
  2. Dr. Ibai Ulacia 1
  3. Aurea Iñurritegi 1
  4. Dr. Aitor Arana 1
  5. Jon German 1
  6. Julen Elizegi 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Mondragón, España


Gear Technology

ISSN: 0743-6858

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 36

Issue: 7

Pages: 70-78

Type: Article

More publications in: Gear Technology

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The increase of efficiency in automotive gear transmissionshas been a key subject of research in the past decade (Ref. 1);to this aim, dip-lubricated gearboxes have been designed withminimized oil levels in search of reduced churning powerlosses (Ref. 2) and maximum power-to-weight ratios. However,when such gears’ running conditions reach the highest pitchline velocities and torques, bulk temperatures increase rapidly,resulting in reduced oil film thickness, higher surface shearstresses and an increased number of asperity contacts — allof which may lead to a premature failure of the gear pair.Moreover, in such cases, not only high temperatures are reachedbut also significant temperature gradients are found betweenpinion and gear. Figure 1 shows a sample of the aforementioned operating case. As can be seen, the optimal conditions liebetween a relative immersion depth of H/D=0.1 to 0.25, wherepower losses are minimal. However, with these oil levels thetemperature difference between pinion and gear reach 20°C to30°C because the small size of the pinion results in a lower convection heat transfer due to the reduced oil-lubricated area andits increased rotational speed (with respect to that of the gear)increases the amount of heat flowing inwards, resulting in ahigher bulk temperature of the pinion. This phenomenon leadsto relative pitch deviations and thermally induced profile distortions (Ref. 3).

Bibliographic References

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