Processing and exploitation of multisensor optical data for coastal water applications-The HIGHROC project

  1. Ruddick, K.
  2. Brockmann, C.
  3. Créach, V.
  4. De Keukelaere, L.
  5. Doxaran, D.
  6. Forster, R.
  7. Jaccard, P.
  8. Knaeps, E.
  9. Lebreton, C.
  10. Ledang, A.B.
  11. Nechad, B.
  12. Norli, M.
  13. Novoa, S.
  14. Ody, A.
  15. Pringle, N.
  16. Sorensen, K.
  17. Stelzer, K.
  18. Van Der Zande, D.
  19. Vanhellemont, Q.
European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP

ISSN: 0379-6566

ISBN: 9789292213053

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Proceedings of Living Planet Symposium 2016

Alea: SP-740

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena