EIEHIndustriako interakzio digitalak diseinatzeko erraminta berria

  1. Aranburu, Erik
  2. Lasa, Ganix
  3. Gerrikagoitia, Jon Kepa
II. Ikergazte nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz: Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma.
  1. Iñaki Alegria (ed. lit.)
  2. Ainhoa Latatu (ed. lit.)
  3. Miren Josu Omaetxebarria (ed. lit.)
  4. Patxi Salaberri (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, UEU = Universidad Vasca de Verano

ISBN: 978-84-8438-627-8 978-84-8438-632-2

Year of publication: 2017

Volume Title: Ingenieritza eta Arkitektura

Tome: 5

Volume: 5

Pages: 30-37

Congress: Ikergazte. Nazioarteko Ikerketa Euskaraz (2. 2017. Iruñea)

Type: Conference paper


In recent years, due to the socio-economic development, the wishes of the society have been changing. Nowadays, instead of material goods, the society is looking for emotional and social goods. As a consequence, the market has developed beyond products and services, focusing on offering Experiences. So in design, as it is a discipline directly connected to the environment, the same development has occurred. However, in industry there is still a long way to go in order to integrate the concept of Experience in their developments. Therefore, there is a big gap regarding to Experience Design methods and tools for the industrial digital systems. In this context, Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa of Mondragon University (DBZ-MU) together with DANOBATGROUP S.COOP, is working on the creation of new tools for the development of the Experiences of those digital systems. In this article, one of those tools is presented, the User Interface Experience Capturer (UIEC). Thanks to this tool it is possible to capture the experiences that the user has with the interactive systems, so that way afterwards an interaction that fulfils the motivations and emotional needs of the user could be created