Grasas en acción :Un recorrido por la ciencia, la gastronomía y el arte

Dirixida por:
  1. Iñaki Martínez de Albeniz Ezpeleta Director
  2. Fernando José García Selgas Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 18 de marzo de 2022

  1. María Amparo Lasén Díaz Presidente/a
  2. Pablo Santoro Domingo Secretario/a
  3. María Jesús Santesmases Navarro de Palencia Vogal
  4. María Martínez González Vogal
  5. Juan Carlos Arboleya Payo Vogal

Tipo: Tese


On the one hand, this research aimed to raise questions and deploy controversies that are in motion around fats. On the other hand, it aimed to situate the body as an active matter of the social. In short, it is proposed to set up relations and agencies between fats and bodies. At the outset, this research begins with a theoretical reflection that situates the focus of study in a tradition of approaches about bodies and agencies. These theories include developments in post-structuralisms, posthumanisms, actor-network theories and epistemologies in techno-sciences. This research follows the movements of fats as socio-technical and naturecultures assemblages. Thus, in this text, fat is described as a becoming in science, gastronomy and the plastic arts. Three empirical chapters describe ways of thinking, doing and feeling fats. First, as a boundary object which deploys controversies. Second, as an actant, agent and/or especially as technical mediation. Third, as a body that is immersed and emerges from affectation relationships. Putting together actor-network theory, new materialisms discussions and my ethnomethodological experience in laboratories, kitchens and art studios, I describe the power of fats as knotting. Relational phenomena in process that show up agency. To sum up, in this essay becoming fat is a socio-techno-material entanglement, because fats associate and create objects, subjects and bodies in three different spaces. Therefore, fats are performing sympoietic modes of existence.