Cell-free supernatants obtained from fermentation of cheese whey hydrolyzates and phenylpyruvic acid by Lactobacillus plantarum as a source of antimicrobial compounds, bacteriocins, and natural aromas

  1. Rodríguez-Pazo, N.
  2. Vázquez-Araújo, L.
  3. Pérez-Rodríguez, N.
  4. Cortés-Diéguez, S.
  5. Domínguez, J.M.
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology

ISSN: 0273-2289 1559-0291

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 171

Issue: 4

Pages: 1042-1060

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S12010-013-0408-7 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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