1ENG Thermofluidic-TEFLU

Aalborg University
Aalborg, DinamarcaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Aalborg University (14)
Experimental investigation of wave-to-force modelling uncertainty for wave energy converters
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 226
Assessment and validation of wave excitation force estimators in operative conditions
Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 151
Control co-design for wave energy farms: Optimisation of array layout and mooring configuration in a realistic wave climate
Renewable Energy, Vol. 227
Data-based modelling of arrays of wave energy systems: Experimental tests, models, and validation
Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 148
Experimental assessment of combined sliding mode & moment-based control (SM2C) for arrays of wave energy conversion systems
Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 144
OCEAN - Open-access validated models from experimental data of wave energy system arrays
Mendeley Data
OCEAN - Open-access validated models from experimental data of wave energy system arrays
Mendeley Data
OCEAN - Open-access validated models from experimental data of wave energy system arrays
Mendeley Data
A Broadband Time-Varying Energy Maximising Control for Wave Energy Systems (LiTe-Con+): Framework and Experimental Assessment
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 14, Núm. 3, pp. 1516-1525
An overview of an experimental campaign for arrays of wave energy conversion systems
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
Experimental assessment and validation of energy-maximising moment-based optimal control for a prototype wave energy converter
Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 133
SWELL: An open-access experimental dataset for arrays of wave energy conversion systems
Renewable Energy, Vol. 212, pp. 699-716
Experimental Implementation and Validation of a Broadband LTI Energy-Maximizing Control Strategy for the Wavestar Device
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 29, Núm. 6, pp. 2609-2621