Supervised theses (175) Theses supervised by Department members View defended theses


  1. Advancing retinal OCT image analysis as a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease

    Romero Bascones, David

    Supervised by Unai Ayala Fernandez y Maitane Barrenechea Carrasco
  2. Application of TOC-DBR to make-to-order manufacturing scenarios: systematic process for subordination of non-bottleneck resources to the bottleneck

    Orue Irasuegui, Aitor

    Supervised by Unai Apaolaza Perez de Eulate y Aitor Lizarralde Aiastui
  3. Caracterización y Modelización del Comportamiento Mecánico de Materiales Compuestos de Fibra Continua con Orientaciones No-Convencionales fabricados mediante Impresión 3D

    Iragi Sampedro, Mikel

    Supervised by Laurentzi Aretxabaleta Ramos
  4. Crowned spherical gear couplings working at high misalignment applications: Geometry generation, loaded tooth contact analysis and experimental validation

    Iñurritegui Marroquin, Aurea

    Supervised by Jon Larrañaga Amilibia y Aitor Arana Ostolaza
  5. Direct liquid cooling strategy for electric vehicles focused on lithium-ion pouch type battery cells

    Larrañaga Ezeiza, Manex

    Supervised by Manex Martinez Aguirre y Joanes Berasategui Arostegui
  6. Estrategias de modelado para crear modelos 3D de calidad en sistemas CAD asociativos paramétricos

    Aranburu Gorrotxategi, Aritz

    Supervised by Daniel Justel Lozano
  7. Hot stamping of high strength alumimum alloys: new insights into prediction of material properties and industrialization of lightweight automotive components

    Ibarretxe Lopez, Unai

    Supervised by Lander Galdos Errasti y Nagore Otegi Martinez
  8. Human-Centred Design for Advanced Services: A Multidimensional Design Methodology

    Nguyen, Hien Ngoc

    Supervised by Ganix Lasa Erle y Ion Iriarte Azpiazu
  9. Microstructural evolution analysis during the near solidus forming process: the case of aisi 316

    Sanchez Fernandez, Andrea

    Supervised by Iñaki Hurtado Hurtado y Gorka Plata Redondo
  10. Nuevo modelo de evaluación de la interacción persona-robot en entornos industriales: ITPX-ROBOTS

    Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa

    Supervised by Ganix Lasa Erle y Maitane Mazmela Etxabe


  1. Advanced numerical models for rubber pad diaphragm forming process simulation

    Sanchez Barros, Pablo

    Supervised by Nagore Otegi Martinez y Lander Galdos Errasti
  2. Agro-urban sustainability through rooftop greenhouses, improving cities' sustanibility: Economic viability and sustainable business models


    Supervised by Joan Manuel Fernandez Mendoza
  3. Analisis del efecto de la participacion en gestion, propiedad y resultados en el bienestar de las personas y en el rendimiento organizativo


    Supervised by Unai Elorza Iñurritegui
  4. Análisis de la situación actual del emprendimiento en las facultades y escuelas de educación españolas: perspectiva de los decanos/as, egresados/as y estudiantes

    Paños Castro, Jessica

    Supervised by Leire Markuerkiaga Arritola
  5. Applicability of a dynamic recrystallization model for an open die forging process for the as-cast superaustenitic stainless steel Alloy 28


    Supervised by Iñaki Hurtado Hurtado y Joseba Mendiguren Olaeta
  6. Computer vision techniques for autonomous vehicles applied to urban underground railway


    Supervised by Nestor Arana Arexolaleiba
  7. Deep learning based methodology for the development of industrial quality inspection systems


    Supervised by Nestor Arana Arexolaleiba y Luka Eciolaza Echeverria
  8. Desarrollo de herramientas para el diseño accesible. Caso de interfaces de electrodomésticos

    Beitia Amondarain, Amaia

    Supervised by Daniel Justel Lozano
  9. Development of a novel surrogate modelling technique and a robust cad-cae template association procedure for the design and assessment of scalable mechanical product families


    Supervised by Jon Ander Esnaola Ramos
  10. Development of a thermomechanical tester for intermediate strain rates and phenomenological modelling of microstructural evolution: application to hot forging of inconel 625


    Supervised by Lander Galdos Errasti y Nagore Otegi Martinez