1ENG Mechanics and industrial production
Supervised theses (175) Theses supervised by Department members View defended theses
Advancing retinal OCT image analysis as a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease
Romero Bascones, David
Supervised by Unai Ayala Fernandez y Maitane Barrenechea Carrasco -
Application of TOC-DBR to make-to-order manufacturing scenarios: systematic process for subordination of non-bottleneck resources to the bottleneck
Orue Irasuegui, Aitor
Supervised by Unai Apaolaza Perez de Eulate y Aitor Lizarralde Aiastui -
Caracterización y Modelización del Comportamiento Mecánico de Materiales Compuestos de Fibra Continua con Orientaciones No-Convencionales fabricados mediante Impresión 3D
Iragi Sampedro, Mikel
Supervised by Laurentzi Aretxabaleta Ramos -
Crowned spherical gear couplings working at high misalignment applications: Geometry generation, loaded tooth contact analysis and experimental validation
Iñurritegui Marroquin, Aurea
Supervised by Jon Larrañaga Amilibia y Aitor Arana Ostolaza -
Direct liquid cooling strategy for electric vehicles focused on lithium-ion pouch type battery cells
Larrañaga Ezeiza, Manex
Supervised by Manex Martinez Aguirre y Joanes Berasategui Arostegui -
Estrategias de modelado para crear modelos 3D de calidad en sistemas CAD asociativos paramétricos
Aranburu Gorrotxategi, Aritz
Supervised by Daniel Justel Lozano -
Hot stamping of high strength alumimum alloys: new insights into prediction of material properties and industrialization of lightweight automotive components
Ibarretxe Lopez, Unai
Supervised by Lander Galdos Errasti y Nagore Otegi Martinez -
Human-Centred Design for Advanced Services: A Multidimensional Design Methodology
Nguyen, Hien Ngoc
Supervised by Ganix Lasa Erle y Ion Iriarte Azpiazu -
Microstructural evolution analysis during the near solidus forming process: the case of aisi 316
Sanchez Fernandez, Andrea
Supervised by Iñaki Hurtado Hurtado y Gorka Plata Redondo -
Nuevo modelo de evaluación de la interacción persona-robot en entornos industriales: ITPX-ROBOTS
Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa
Supervised by Ganix Lasa Erle y Maitane Mazmela Etxabe
Advanced numerical models for rubber pad diaphragm forming process simulation
Sanchez Barros, Pablo
Supervised by Nagore Otegi Martinez y Lander Galdos Errasti -
Agro-urban sustainability through rooftop greenhouses, improving cities' sustanibility: Economic viability and sustainable business models
Supervised by Joan Manuel Fernandez Mendoza -
Analisis del efecto de la participacion en gestion, propiedad y resultados en el bienestar de las personas y en el rendimiento organizativo
Supervised by Unai Elorza Iñurritegui -
Análisis de la situación actual del emprendimiento en las facultades y escuelas de educación españolas: perspectiva de los decanos/as, egresados/as y estudiantes
Paños Castro, Jessica
Supervised by Leire Markuerkiaga Arritola -
Applicability of a dynamic recrystallization model for an open die forging process for the as-cast superaustenitic stainless steel Alloy 28
Supervised by Iñaki Hurtado Hurtado y Joseba Mendiguren Olaeta -
Computer vision techniques for autonomous vehicles applied to urban underground railway
Supervised by Nestor Arana Arexolaleiba -
Deep learning based methodology for the development of industrial quality inspection systems
Supervised by Nestor Arana Arexolaleiba y Luka Eciolaza Echeverria -
Desarrollo de herramientas para el diseño accesible. Caso de interfaces de electrodomésticos
Beitia Amondarain, Amaia
Supervised by Daniel Justel Lozano -
Development of a novel surrogate modelling technique and a robust cad-cae template association procedure for the design and assessment of scalable mechanical product families
Supervised by Jon Ander Esnaola Ramos -
Development of a thermomechanical tester for intermediate strain rates and phenomenological modelling of microstructural evolution: application to hot forging of inconel 625
Supervised by Lander Galdos Errasti y Nagore Otegi Martinez