Liburu kapituluak (5) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. Experimental and numerical analysis of indentation on a thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer under cyclic loading

    Constitutive Models for Rubber VIII (CRC Press), pp. 649-655

  2. Linear viscoelastic behaviour of magnetorheological elastomers

    Constitutive Models for Rubber VIII (CRC Press), pp. 665-670

  3. Multistate Feature Modelling of a Very Complex Design Feature

    Lecture Notes in Production Engineering (Springer Nature), pp. 451-461

  4. Techno-cube, development and results of a new university – industry collaboration approach

    ICERI 2013 (IATED Academy), pp. 7097-7103

  5. Tekinlab, promoting entrepreneurial culture within university students

    ICERI 2013 (IATED Academy), pp. 7104-7111