Publicaciones en las que colabora con Iratxo Gómez Serna (7)


  1. Study of demagnetization risk in PM machines

    IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications


  1. Analytical calculation of vibrations of electromagnetic origin in electrical machines

    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 98, pp. 557-569


  1. Design methodology for achieving reliable permanent magnet synchronous machines

    Design methodology for achieving reliable permanent magnet synchronous machines

  2. Methodology to study demagnetization risk in permanent magnet machines by Finite Element Method

    Proceedings - 2017 IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis, WEMDCD 2017


  1. Analytical model to calculate radial forces in permanent-magnet synchronous machines

    Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2014