Department: 1ENG Electronics and computing

Area: 1ENG Telematics and Cybersecurity-TELSEC

Research Area: 1ENG Embedded systems and intelligent systems for industrial systems

Faculty: 1 Faculty of Engineering (ENG)

Research group: 1ENG Data Analysis and Cybersecurity


Doctor by the Mondragon Unibertsitatea with the thesis Data mining approaches for analysis of worm activity toward automatic signature generation 2008. Supervised by Dr. Roberto Uribeetxeberria Ezpeleta, Dr. Diego Zamboni.

I obtained my PhD (with honors) in January 2008 from the Mondragon Unibertsitatea, in a thesis conducted in collaboration with the IBM Research Center in Zurich, Switzerland (with a predoctoral scholarship from the Basque Government). I am the principal researcher of the Research Group in Intelligent Systems for Industrial Systems, recognized by the Basque Government's Department of Education as a Type B Group between 2016 and 2018, and Type A (highest qualification) from 2018 onwards. I coordinate the research activities of this Group. I have been lecturer for subjects in Telecommunications Engineering, Higher Telecommunications Engineering, Computer Engineering, Master's in Embedded Systems, Master's in Data Analytics, Cybersecurity and Cloud Computing, and the Doctorate Program in Engineering at Mondragon Unibertsitatea. As a result, in 2018, I received a favorable evaluation from the DOCENTIA program for the period 2012 to 2017. I have supervised 9 doctoral theses and currently supervise 2 more. I have received IKERTRAMO recognition (equivalent to SEXENIO research awards for private universities by the UNIBASQ agency) for the years 2006, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2016, and 2017 in the field of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. In the realm of projects, I have participated in 6 European projects funded under programs such as H2020, CEF Telecom, ECSEL, or ARTEMIS. I coordinated one of them, with a budget of €30M and 46 partners. On a national level, I have been involved in 2 Retos de Investigación projects, serving as the Principal Investigator for one of them. I have also participated in projects from other calls (MINECO, CDTI) and have been the Principal Investigator for territorial projects (Basque Government and Gipuzkoa Provincial Council). In terms of technology transfer, I have led more than 40 projects with companies. My research interests lie primarily in the area of Systems and Network Security from one side, and in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing from the other. It is common the merge of both disciplines in the works I accomplish, but not mandatory.