Ivan Saenz Dominguez-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (9)


  1. Paneles fabricados mediante curado UV de prepregs fuera de autoclave reforzados con perfiles de pultrusión UV

    Comunicaciones Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos (MATCOMP21 y MATCOMP23). Sevilla, 21-23 Junio, 2022


  1. Effect of ultraviolet curing kinetics on the mechanical properties of out of die pultruded vinyl ester composites

    Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 109, pp. 280-289


  1. Characterisation of ultraviolet curing resins for 3D pultrusion

    ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials

  2. Out of die ultraviolet pultrusion process set-up: Limitations of photo-differential scanning calorimetry analysis

    ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials