Perez Riaño
Department: 1ENG Electronics and computing
Area: 1ENG Information Systems-HAZI-ISI
Research Area: 1ENG Embedded systems and intelligent systems for industrial systems
Faculty: 1 Faculty of Engineering (ENG)
Research group: 1ENG Software and System Engineering
Personal web:
Doctor by the Mondragon Unibertsitatea with the thesis Semantic web and semantic technologies to enhance innovation and technology watch processes 2016. Supervised by Dr. Félix Larrinaga Barrenechea, Dr. Juan Ignacio Igartua López.
Dr. Alain Perez Riaño is a Lecturer & Researcher in the IT department of MGEP-MU Computer Science Engineer (2010) and PhD in Computer Science with the thesis "Semantic Web and Semantic Technologies to Enhance Innovation and Technology Watch Process", also by MGEP-MU (2016). Since 2009 he has worked on research projects in Innovation, Technology Watch and Competitive Intelligence contributing to Web technologies, Semantic Web and Machine Learning techniques for automatic content classification. He has lectured classes in subjects such as Advanced Software Architectures, Web Engineering, Computer Basics or Improvement and Maintenance of Embedded Systems. Currently, he also participates in Smart City projects (such as CityFied, SmarEnCity, Rennovates...) contributing in the field of Interoperability (AMQP, ModBus, EEBus, Linked Data, Asset AdministrationShell...), Web Page Development (Flask, Symfony, Spring...) and Database generation and maintenance (MySQL, SQLServer, SQLite...). His main areas of interest are: interoperability, Web Engineering, Semantic Web, Smart Cities and Mobile Developments (both web and native).