Madariaga Zabala
Surface integrity and isothermal low cycle fatigue of turned inconel 718 workpieces 2015
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Supervised Theses (1)
Theses Committees (6)
Secretary of the Committee
Milling of gamma titanium aluminides 2022Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Secretary of the Committee
Evaluation of surface integrity in cryogenic cylindrical grinding for automotive components 2022Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Abedrabbo Hazbun, Anibal Faruk
Secretary of the Committee
Cryogenic machining of the aeronautic alloy: inconel 718 2021Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Committee Member
Microstructural analysis of atomic mechanisms of metal plasticity under machining conditions: case study of aisi 1045 steel and 7475 aluminum 2018Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Medina Clavijo , Bentejui
Secretary of the Committee
An analysis of the turning performance of alloy 718 plus, in terms of tool life and surface integrity, in comparison with the base material inconel 718 2017Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Iturbe Intxaurraga, Ariane
Secretary of the Committee
Análisis de la integridad superficial en el proceso de mecanizado de agujeros sobre inconel 718 2017Mondragon Unibertsitatea