Department: 1ENG Electronics and computing

Area: 1ENG Telematics and Cybersecurity-TELSEC

Research Area: 1ENG Embedded systems and intelligent systems for industrial systems

Faculty: 1 Faculty of Engineering (ENG)

Research group: 1ENG Data Analysis and Cybersecurity

Doctor by the Mondragon Unibertsitatea with the thesis Sensor and cnc internal signal evaluation to detect tool and workpiece malfunctions in the drilling process 2021. Supervised by Dr. Rosario María Basagoiti Astigarraga, Dr. Pedro José Arrazola Arriola.

I belong to the Electronics and Computer Science Department at Mondragon University. Graduated in telecommunication systems engineering (2015), I obtained a master's degree in embedded systems in 2017. Subsequently, I did my PhD thesis entitled "Sensor and CNC internal signal evaluation to detect tool and workpiece malfunctions in the drilling process" in the applied engineering programme of Mondragon Unibertsitatea (2021). In recent years I have collaborated with the high performance machining research group in the development of experimental set-ups for the acquisition and analysis of industrial process data.