Jose Maria
Canales Segade
Publications (25) Jose Maria Canales Segade publications
Design and analysis of a voltage ride-through testing solution based on a novel medium-voltage OLTC auto-transformer
2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2023 ECCE Europe
Electronic on load tap changer transformer for DC electrical railway power supply systems
2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2019 - Proceedings
Partial state-of-charge mitigation in standalone photovoltaic hybrid storage systems
Energies, Vol. 12, Núm. 22
Review of impedance calculation methods of catenary lines for frequency resonance studies
2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2019 - Proceedings
Medium-voltage AC static switch solution to feed neutral section in a high-speed railway system
Energies, Vol. 11, Núm. 10
New battery model considering thermal transport and partial charge stationary effects in photovoltaic off-grid applications
Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 378, pp. 311-321
Análisis Experimental del Efecto de la Temperatura y la Tensión de Carga para la Optimización Energética de Sistemas de Almacenamiento de Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas Aisladas
XXIV Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI)
Comparative study and evaluation of passive balancing against single switch active balancing systems for energy storage systems
PCIM Europe 2016; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
Osciloscopio multifunción LabVIEW para Media Tensión
Revista española de electrónica, Núm. 744, pp. 80-81
Influence of voltage balancing on the temperature distribution of a Li-ion battery module
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 30, Núm. 2, pp. 507-514
Battery pack tests to detect unbalancing effects in series connected Li-ion cells
4th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power: Renewable Energy Resources Impact, ICCEP 2013
DC versus AC in residential buildings: Efficiency comparison
IEEE EuroCon 2013
Iterative capacity estimation of LiFePO4 cell over the lifecycle based on SoC estimation correction
World Electric Vehicle Journal, Vol. 6, Núm. 3, pp. 752-761
Iterative capacity estimation of LiFePO4 cell over the lifecycle based on SoC estimation correction
2013 World Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2014
Methodology for thermal modelling of lithium-ion batteries
Passive balancing design for Li-ion battery packs based on single cell experimental tests for a CCCV charging mode
4th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power: Renewable Energy Resources Impact, ICCEP 2013
Thyristor based solid state tap changer for distribution transformers
Informal Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals and Their Application to Mechatronics, ECMSM 2013
An experimentally verified active gate control method for the series connection of IGBT/diodes
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 27, Núm. 2, pp. 1025-1038
Baterías y acumuladores del Siglo XXI (1ª parte)
Revista DYNA, Vol. 87, Núm. 2, pp. 134-137
Baterías y acumuladores del siglo XXI. (2ª parte)
Revista DYNA, Vol. 87, Núm. 3, pp. 252-255