Publicaciones (29) Publicaciones de Eduardo Castellano Fernandez


  1. Asset Management Framework and Tools for Facing Challenges in the Adoption of Product-Service Systems

    IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 69, Núm. 6, pp. 2693-2706


  1. After-sales services optimisation through dynamic opportunistic maintenance: a wind energy case study

    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol. 232, Núm. 4, pp. 352-367

  2. Efficient development and management of after sale services

    Procedia Manufacturing

  3. Service 4.0: rentabilizando las inversiones Industry 4.0 mediante el servicio de mantenimiento posventa

    Mantenimiento: ingeniería industrial y de edificios, Núm. 314, pp. 25-37


  1. A dynamic opportunistic maintenance model to maximize energy-based availability while reducing the life cycle cost of wind farms

    Renewable Energy, Vol. 114, pp. 843-856

  2. A novel dynamic opportunistic maintenance modelling approach

    Safety and Reliability - Theory and Applications - Proceedings of the 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2017


  1. Analysis of order promising process in BTF products with high variability and long manufacturing lead times application to a machine-tool manufacturer

    IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)

  2. Model for the Integration of Product, Process and Supply Network in Mass Customization Scenarios

    Intelligent Non-hierarchical Manufacturing Networks (John Wiley and Sons), pp. 41-72

  3. Supply Network Configuration

    Intelligent Non-hierarchical Manufacturing Networks (John Wiley and Sons), pp. 73-105


  1. Criterios para la asignación de estrategias de cumplimentación de pedidos en el sector de bienes de equipo: aplicación a un fabricante de máquina-herramienta

    Revista DYNA, Vol. 87, Núm. 3, pp. 316-325

  2. Leagility in Enterprise Networks Configuration of Capital Goods Sector

    XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización: Vigo, 18 a 20 de julio de 2012

  3. Order Fulfilment Strategies in the CapitalGoods Sector. An Empirical Research

    Industrial Engineering: Innovative Networks: 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management "CIO 2011", Cartagena, Spain, September 2011, Proceedings (Springer-Verlag Reino Unido), pp. 257-264