Are floodings preventable under moral hazard and limites liability?
Oscar Nieto Cerezo
Edoardo Patelli
Jan Wenzelburger
- Michael Beer 2
University of Liverpool
University of Hannover
Year of publication: 2016
Pages: 18
Type: Conference paper
In this paper, we use a mathematical model based on the agency theory to determine the optimal level of discretion granted to a regulatory body. This model reduces the probability of an accident inflicted on the society by resolving a downstream and an upstream moral hazard problem existing in engineering with special attention to the Fukushima nuclear accident. When the regulator and the parliament have conflicting objectives under moral hazard, a pro-industry regulator imposes a cap of the fine below parliament’s optimal inducing the operator to implement lower quality sea defences. This is because the liability rent left to the operator increases with lower quality sea defences. By setting an upper bound to the regulator’s range of feasible decisions, the parliament can encourage the regulator to work in the interest of the broad society.