Mondragon ZTIM-HUB: the collaborative network for the development of STEM vocations

  1. Anaya, Maite
  2. Iriondo, Jaione
  3. Vivar, María
  4. Otaegi, Maialen
  5. González, Patricia Aranzazu
  6. Bilbao, Ainara
  7. Errasti, Nekane
Actes de conférence:
EDULEARN proceedings

ISSN: 2340-1117

Année de publication: 2022

Type: Communication dans un congrès

DOI: 10.21125/EDULEARN.2022.1503 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor


It is well known that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) is one of the most heard concepts both in the field of education and in the business sphere, when talking about the socio-economic needs of the future. The importance and necessity of a STEM educational model is becoming increasingly evident both locally and globally. In Europe, for instance, a 70% job growth in sectors such as ICT and health is expected. Accordingly, the data published by the Basque Business Confederation (Confebask) indicate that the most in-demand professional profiles correspond to STEM-related higher degree studies. Nevertheless, the interest of students in STEM careers is low and industry has difficulties in finding such profiles. One of the principal reasons for this lack of talent is the unawareness and prejudices associated with STEM professions among young people, what requires breaking stereotypes, bringing the professions closer and changing the status quo. To this end, on the one hand, the participation of the educational community is essential to work on pedagogy within this educational model. On the other hand, as most STEM professions take place in industrial companies, it is necessary to involve companies to replace existing prejudices with real examples. Moreover, since young people's perception of STEM professions is not limited to education or the workplace, the role played by society in general cannot be forgotten. Therefore, it is of major interest to create networks and initiatives where these different agents actively interact in favour of the promotion of these vocations, such as in the project MONDRAGON ZTIM-Hub. MONDRAGON ZTIM-Hub is an initiative lead by MONDRAGON and Mondragon Unibertsitatea (Faculty of Engineering and Education) which seeks to create a cooperative network between schools, companies and social agents in the province of Gipuzkoa (Autonomous Community of the Basque Country), with the aim of promoting STEM vocations among high school students. Currently, the network created by MONDRAGON ZTIM-Hub has two active hubs, (i) the pilot hub generated in the county of Debagoiena, where the MONDRAGON cooperative experience and the focus of its institutions on STEM vocations allowed implementing this innovative approach, and (ii) a second hub in the county of Goierri. 8 companies, 10 schools and 2 social agents form the network, and with the coordination of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and support of MONDRAGON and Gipuzkoa’s Provincial Council, they jointly carry out different activities such as inspirational talks to students, visits, workshops, development of challenges, etc. Approximately 4,000 higher school students have taken part in the various and diverse activities carried out since the beginning of the project in 2020. Considering MONDRAGON ZTIM-Hub as a good practice, the aim of this paper is to describe its design and implementation process, the diverse actions carried out in cooperation with companies and schools, and the results obtained.

Information sur le financement

We would like to thank the Mondragon Corporation and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa for their financial support.

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