Stability and parking cross distance adapter mechanism for electric vehicle

  1. Mikel Izquierdo Ortiz de Landaluce 3
  2. Ibai Ulacia 3
  3. I. Fernández de Bastida
  4. E. Olabarrieta 1
  5. S. Gómez 2


    Eibar, España


  2. 2 Mondragon Automoción S.Coop.
  3. 3 Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Mondragón, España


15th EAEC European Automotive Congress

Año de publicación: 2017

Páginas: 1-10

Tipo: Aportación congreso


Due to the actual vehicle dimensions, low occupancy rates and the increase of worldpopulation, a trend to develop new vehicle concepts with smaller dimensions is seen. Theobjective of this trend is to reduce traffic congestion and park ability related issues inoverpopulated areas. Not only footprint reduction is necessary, but also maintaining actualvehicle safety and comfort metrics is a must. Therefore, first of all, a mechanism to reducewheel track to the third of the space required for a conventional car for low speed and parkingsituations is designed and developed. Once the track variation mechanism is completelydefined, several suspensions and steering mechanism are analysed, concluding with a designof an unconventional front independent suspension and steering systems which are detailed inthe present manuscript. By using MBS (Multi-body System) model, loads transmitted fromtyre through mechanism joints to the vehicle chassis are computed. Special attention has beenpaid to the maximum peak loads that mechanism will suffer from road irregularities inextreme conditions. These load values are also used to evaluate the components that composethe track variation mechanism.Continuing with the actuation of the system, an electronic control strategy is created andvirtually tested, with what vehicle track position and vehicle speed and accelerationconditions are instantaneously controlled and related with the wheel track variation system.Finally, the complete track width variation mechanism is manufactured, assembled and testedin a test rig.