An analysis of the Mondragon case's competitiveness from a systemic perspective

  1. Retegi, Jabier
  2. Igartua, Juan Ignacio
Intangible Capital

ISSN: 1697-9818 2014-3214

Año de publicación: 2023

Volumen: 19

Número: 4

Páginas: 513

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.3926/IC.2261 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor

Otras publicaciones en: Intangible Capital

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


Purpose: This study analyses some of the aspects that contribute to the better performance ofMondragon Corporation compared to other cooperatives and to the rest of the companies in the BasqueCountry from a systemic perspective. Design/methodology: First, a systematic review of the literature on the factors that can explain thehigher competitiveness of Mondragon cooperatives compared to the rest of the firms was performed.Then, a draft framework representing the existing relationship between the factors was proposed basedon the previously analysed studies. Next, a contrast with five experts having different perspectives ofMondragon Corporation was made. The contributions of the experts to the proposal yielded the finalframework. Findings: A framework that links the factors and establishes precondition relationships among them isproposed. This framework assigns a special role to the basic inter-cooperative agreement structure as acondition for developing intercompany synergies.Research limitations/implications: In this study, a specific case of Mondragon Corporation wasanalysed, and the framework was tested by a limited number of experts. This study adds a new systemicperspective to the rich literature on the factors that explain Mondragon cooperatives’ competitiveness.Practical implications: This paper provides insights into the factors that should be considered whentrying to replicate the experience of Mondragon Corporation in other socioeconomic contexts.Social implications: This study stresses the relevance of a shared set of values, basic agreements andgovernance institutions as a base for the construction of strong synergetic relationships amongcompanies. Originality/value: The existing literature related to the key factors for Mondragon cooperatives’competitiveness analysed them from an individual factor perspective. This research advances theknowledge to understand the systemic interrelationships among them.

Información de financiación

The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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