Les dynamiques de l'identité organisationnelle dans un contexte coopératifle cas de deux coopératives industrielles appartenant au Groupe Mondragon

  1. Grellier, Hervé
Dirigée par:
  1. Jean-Francois Chanlat Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Université Paris-Dauphine - PSL (Paris 9)

Fecha de defensa: 24 octobre 2017

  1. Nicolas Berland President
  2. Jérôme Méric Rapporteur
  3. Allain Joly Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


The field work has been carried out over the past fifteen years within the Mondragon Group in the Spanish Basque Country. Which is currently the world's largest network of cooperative enterprises. This group has also two major characteristics. One is to have a large sample of industrial cooperative enterprises competing globally with large multinationals. The other is that it consists of a very large majority of cooperative enterprises in the hands of their workers. What is commonly known as Mondragon Cooperative Experience is recognized as an unique experience of more than sixty years of existence. Our research question: How is the organizational identity evolving within the Mondragon Group in a current context?, is the result of a field issue. And it is on the basis of an intervention research on two cases of industrial cooperative enterprises that we were led to reflect on the evolution of the organizational identity within these two cooperatives and from there within the Mondragon Group as a whole. This consideration of the evolution of the organizational identity leads not only to consider the strategic directions chosen by the Group Mondragon but also the implemented policies of leadership and coaching to encourage the identification of the co-workers of Mondragon within their cooperatives. In this work, the researcher adopted a constructivist epistemology. He conducted a broad review of the literature on organizational identity in particular and its extensive nomological network.