El Portafolio electrónico: Una experiencia en el desarrollo de las competencias transversales y su evaluación en Mondragon Unibertsitatea (HUHEZI)
- Santiago Palacios Navarro
- Fabiola López y López
- Auxiliadora Montes Calvo
- Itxaro Latasa Zaballos
- Enrique Barradas Guevara
Argitaletxea: Asociación Hegeobitaldea
ISBN: 978-84-614-0680-7
Argitalpen urtea: 2010
Biltzarra: Jornadas de Educación, Desarrollo, Tecnología y Cooperación (3. 2010. Vitoria)
Mota: Biltzar ekarpena
With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) tertiary education has been involved in a profound transformation. This experience, placed on that adaptation process, concentrates on the monitoring process of some of the students’ cross-curricular competences development, based on the reflections they presented as evidence of their progress. The digital portfolio, used as a tool for this process, is an individual application guided and supported by the tutor, who is charge of giving them permanent feedback. This article begins by contextualizing the experience, followed by the application’s description, and finishing with a reflection on the difficulties encountered in the process and some possible future lines of work.