PLATFORM COOPS NOW!A team entrepreneurship capacity building program to create platform coops

  1. Pillado Arbide, Liher 1
  2. Etxeberria Aranburu, Ander
  3. Tokarski, Giovanni
  1. 1 Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Mondragón, España


Gizaekoa: Revista vasca de economía social

ISSN: 1698-7446

Año de publicación: 2021

Número: 18

Páginas: 135-156

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.1387/GIZAEKOA.22853 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor

Otras publicaciones en: Gizaekoa: Revista vasca de economía social

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


Traditional labour relationships have been disrupted due to the digital platforms based businesses. This article aims on the one hand to share the consequences the sharing economy has generated for workers, and how MONDRAGON’s principles as one of the best examples of worker owned business group in the world, can be applied within the new digital era. On the other hand, this paper provides a literature review on how digital platforms can operate with fairer principles based on the framework that platform coops consist of.  Last but not least, Mondragon University and The New School have set up a capacity building program on team entrepreneurship and an online incubation program that aims to support the creation of platform coops, whose results after two editions and future opportunities for research are shared.

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