2020 Basque Country competitiveness report resiliencebefore, during and after the pandemic
- Susana Franco
- Edurne Magro
- James Wilson
- Roberto Álvaro
- Mari José Aranguren
- Francisco Carrillo
- Miren Estensoro
- Jorge Fernández
- Agustín Zubillaga
- Ibon Gil de San Vicente
- Bart Kamp
- Macarena Larrea
- Miren Larrea
- Amaia Azpiazu col.
- Jaime Menéndez
- Mikel Navarro
- Carla Peletier
- Jabier Retegi
- Eduardo Sisti
- Megan Briggs col.
- Patricia Canto col.
- Asier Murciego col.
- Elsa Patús col.
- Angélica Rodríguez col.
- Juan Pablo Salado col.
- Etorne Ugalde col.
- Nagore Valle col.
- Rakel Vázquez col.
- Erakutsi egile guztiak +
Argitaletxea: Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad
ISBN: 978-84-1325-101-1
Argitalpen urtea: 2020
Mota: Liburua
The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures implemented to combat it have caused aThe COVID-19 pandemic and the measures implemented to combat it have caused asocio-economic crisis that is unique in its global reach, severity, and combined socialand economic impacts. The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country has experiencedother crises in recent decades, in the context of which a resilient economyand society have been built. In this Report, we analyze that resilience: before, during and after the pandemic.