Aproximación multimétodo para medir el impacto de los factores de diseño en la apropiación de un software de inteligencia competitiva
Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea
ISSN: 2386-8406
Argitalpen urtea: 2020
Alea: 7
Zenbakia: 1
Orrialdeak: 8
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: DYNA new technologies
Industry 4.0 and a changing working life raises questions about which skills will be required by people for the correct technological adoption and performance improvement. The aim of this research is to analyse the implication of several interface design features in the appropriation of a competitive intelligence interface that enhance task completion and UX through a new multi-method approach. In this line, there are several methodological frameworks with a multi-method approach, such as the System Usability (SU) framework [1], the Components of User Experience model (CUE) [2], the "Factory2Fit work well being" framework [3] or the Experience Capturer (XC) tool [4]. At the same time, the impact of familiarization by order of use on the appropriation of the software is analysed. From the collected results, it is demonstrated that the interfaces design taking into account the achievement of objectives, oriented to cover the needs of the users and that follows established design patterns offering a precise and consistent solution, achieve better results during the execution of tasks. In this line, in terms of technological acceptance, it has been observed that a design that transmits confidence, provides ease of navigation, has got clear, precise and coherent aesthetics, offers control, gives feedback about actions and is also error-tolerant, helps to appropriate the technology faster. On the other hand, it has been observed that the order factor has significant consequences during the execution of tasks and the user's evaluation. Therefore, it is considered a key factor in the field of UX knowledge in relation to the analysis of the learning process and appropriation of digital solutions.