Mapping media accountability in a stateless nationThe case of the Basque Country

  1. Zuberogoitia, Aitor 1
  2. Bidegain, Eneko 1
  3. Gostín, Andrés 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Mondragón, España


Catalan journal of communication & cultural studies

ISSN: 1757-1898

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 11

Issue: 1

Pages: 59-78

Type: Article


More publications in: Catalan journal of communication & cultural studies

Sustainable development goals


This article analyses the media accountability instruments available in the area where the Basque language is spoken. After mapping out media accountability in the Basque Country focusing on instruments both internal and external to the media, it is discussed how the situation differs from other cases in Europe, such as Sweden or Catalonia. Despite the absence of strong institutional media accountability organizations, several media accountability instruments (MAI) have been launched in recent years. It is too early yet to affirm whether this is a passing trend or an indicator of deeper changes leading to a consensus on ethical standards with respect to the media.

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