Relevance of clinical judgement and risk stratification in the success of integrated care for multimorbid patients

  1. Myriam Soto - Gordoa
  2. Esteban de Manuel
  3. Ane Fullaondo
  4. Marisa Merino
  5. Arantzazu Arrospide
  6. Juan Ignacio Igartua
  7. Javier Mar
Documentos de trabajo ( FEDEA )

ISSN: 1696-7496

Año de publicación: 2017

Número: 11

Páginas: 1-28

Tipo: Documento de Trabajo

Otras publicaciones en: Documentos de trabajo ( FEDEA )


The Department of Health of the Basque Government launched in 2010 a new strategy to tackle the challenge of chronicity which aimed to re-orient the health system towards an integrated care model. In this paper we evaluate this strategy through a retrospective observational study with a historical control group based on data from the clinical and administrative databases of the Basque Health Service.