Diseño de las titulaciones de ingeniería en base a competencias en Mondragon Unibertsitatea

  1. Zubizarreta Mugica, Miren Itziar
  2. Altuna Iraola, Jon
La Cuestión Universitaria

ISSN: 1988-236X

Année de publication: 2009

Titre de la publication: "Europa pasa por Bolonia"

Número: 5

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: La Cuestión Universitaria


The adaptation of the university studies to the European Space for Higher Education, has supposed a reformulation of its educational model for the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Mondragon. The new model focuses on the development and acquisition of competencies and learning outcomes by the students, global and continuous evaluation of student learning, the integration of work-based learning (WBL) in the curricula, internationalization, the use of active methodologies for learning and trilingual education. The design of the Degrees in Engineering was carried out from the professional profiles that the graduates should develop in the professional environment and the competencies that the students should achieve in the academic environment. The learning outcomes that students achieve in the development of the subjects they undertake will become the evidences of the achievement of these competencies. The didactical intervention in the classroom will be centered in the use of active methodologies that promote the participation of the students in the learning process and help them to develop strategies to continue learning along his/her life. The key methodology is Problem-Oriented Project Based Learning (POPBL) where different subjects with equal learning outcomes are integrated. The evaluation of the student learning will be continuous during the semester, and the feedback to the students will constitute an important part in the acquisition of learnings. A global evaluation of the achievements will be carried out at the end of the course.