Panorama internacional de la biotecnologíadesarrollo de un biocluster en el País Vasco

  1. Lizartza Martín, Aitor
  2. Irizar Etxeberria, Iñazio
Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía

ISSN: 0213-3865

Ano de publicación: 2006

Título do exemplar: La actividad emprendedora como motor de desarrollo económico

Número: 62

Páxinas: 200-219

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía


Life sciences and biotechnology are considered to be the next revolution within knowledge economy. After information and communication technologies, biotechnology will create new opportunities for society. This research paper is based on a study of technology-based entrepreneurs, specifically entrepreneurs from biotechnology firms of Basque Country, Spain. The research tries to evaluate key factors to create new biotechnology firms. After a bibliographical review, eighteen biotechnology firms were selected for the field work. In this research all of seventeen entrepreneurs have been interviewed personally by means of the authors.