Caracterización dinámica de estructuras CLD con alto amortiguamiento

  1. Martinez Agirre, Manex
  2. Elejabarrieta Olabarri, María Jesus
Tecniacústica 2009

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Acústica

ISBN: 84-87095-17-8

Year of publication: 2009

Volume Title: Comunicaciones. Acústica estructural y vibraciones

Volume: 4

Congress: Congreso Español de Acústica ; Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica (40. 2009. Cádiz)

Type: Conference paper


The use of viscoelastic materials is a simple and cost-effective way for the structural vibration and the acoustic radiation reduction, been the CLD (Constrained Layer Damping) the most effective configuration concerning the damping-weight ratio. The storage modulus and the loss factor of a CLD structure depends mainly on temperature and frequency. The standard ASTM E 756-05 proposes a forced vibration test method with resonance for the dynamical properties identification. This method presents limitations for highly damped materials characterisation due to the modal coupling effects. In this communication, modal coupling effects are analysed and a method for the correct characterisation of viscoelastically damped sandwich structures is presented.