Las cooperativas de emprendedores y su contribución al emprendimiento en economía social

  1. Gemma Fajardo García 1
  2. Izaskun Alzola Berriozabalgoitia 2
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


  2. 2 Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    Mondragón, España


CIRIEC - España. Revista jurídica de economía social y cooperativa

ISSN: 1577-4430

Año de publicación: 2018

Título del ejemplar: La contribución del Derecho a la innovación social y al empleo en la Economía Social

Número: 33

Páginas: 145-184

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: CIRIEC - España. Revista jurídica de economía social y cooperativa


Cooperatives of entrepreneurs, born out of praxis, are an innovative tool to support the creation of social economy companies, that integrate groups of entrepreneurs as members. These groups of entrepreneurs experience the operation of the cooperative at the same time that they launch their activity in the market looking for customers and invoicing, before formally creating their own social economy company. During this period of time, these groups of entrepreneurs are advised and accompanied by professionals of the cooperative of entrepreneurs. The cooperatives of entrepreneurs are inspired by the French and Belgian experience with activity and employment cooperatives, but the latter differ because they do not prioritize collective entrepreneurship or integrate entrepreneurs as members. However, once the accompaniment period has ended, the entrepreneurs can join as salaried entrepreneurial members of the cooperative. Cooperatives of entrepreneurs can also be distinguished from business development cooperatives, as, the latter, when channeling the entrepreneurial activity of their members, are more oriented towards promoting individual entrepreneurship and not social economy entrepreneurship. Besides the cooperative legal form, cooperatives of entrepreneurs have in common the objective of supporting the creation of social economy companies and the integration of entrepreneurial groups as members. Moreover, they also share the circumstances in which they were created, promoted by representative organizations of the social economy companies. One of the main challenges of this type of cooperatives has been the process of defining its legal structure as well as the relationship between the cooperative and its entrepreneurs. In our analysis of the cooperative of entrepreneurs, we have differentiated two models, the CEN-ACELERA model, which has adopted the mixed service cooperative legal form, with collaborating members, and the BETA model that has adopted the user cooperative legal form. All of them have also been classified as non-profit entities. The analysis of cooperatives of entrepreneurs has shown the need for Spain to accept and regulate general interest cooperatives that are not-for-profit and in which different groups of members (including public entities) may participate without having to make use of already existing types of cooperatives and members. A cooperative model with general interest purposes will help us address the new challenges we face, such as entrepreneurship, social insertion, the aging of the population, local development, environ- mental sustainability or the management of resources in common such as water or electricity.

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