Capítulos de Libro (13) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Decision making in industry 4.0 scenarios supported by imbalanced data classification

    Studies in Computational Intelligence (Springer Verlag), pp. 121-134

  2. El marco de la formación dual universitaria en MU: la transición del modelo de alternancia a la formación dual

    A formación profesional dual: dúos ou duetos. Actas do XIX Congreso Internacional de Galicia e Norte de Portugal de Formación para o Traballo (p. 113-119). Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostel (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), pp. 113-119

  3. Fretting: Review on the Numerical Simulation and Modeling of Wear, Fatigue and Fracture

    Contact and Fracture Mechanics

  4. From kpi dashboards to advanced visualization

    The MANTIS Book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (River Publishers), pp. 239-310

  5. Introduction

    The MANTIS Book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (River Publishers), pp. 1-6

  6. Irisgarritasuna produktu fisikoetan eta ingurune digitaletan =

    20º aniversario de la Ley para la promoción de la accesibilidad = Irisgarritasuna sustatzeko Legearen sorreraren 20. urteurrena (Eusko Legebiltzarra = Parlamento Vasco), pp. 91-99

  7. La palabra como arma femenina de transgresión: la Antigua Grecia y la voz de Clitemnestra

    Investigació i gènere a la Universitat Jaume I 2018 (Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions)

  8. Linde Type L Zeolite: A Privileged Porous Support to Develop Photoactive and Catalytic Nanomaterials

    Zeolites and Their Applications (IntechOpen)

  9. Model-Based Fault Analysis for Railway Traction Systems

    Modern Railway Engineering

  10. Monitoring of critical assets

    The MANTIS Book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (River Publishers), pp. 93-144

  11. Providing proactiveness: Data analysis techniques portfolios

    The MANTIS Book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (River Publishers), pp. 145-238

  12. Success stories on real pilots

    The MANTIS Book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (River Publishers), pp. 311-496

  13. The MANTIS reference architecture

    The MANTIS Book: Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance (River Publishers), pp. 37-92