Aportaciones congreso (24) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. An IoT-Based System for Monitoring Power Failure in 22-KV Distribution Transformer Substations Using LoRa Communication

    Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

  2. Análisis de distribución de carga en husillos a bolas para altas cargas mediante modelos de elementos finitos optimizados

    XXIV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica

  3. Aumento de la precisión de posicionado de células robóticas en aplicaciones de mecanizado

    XXIV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica

  4. Control-aware Co-Design of A Wave Energy Converter for the Argentine Sea Conditions

    2023 20th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2023

  5. Development and validation of human-robot experience (HUROX) questionnaire for industrial collaborative contexts

    Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

  6. Diversity, accessibility and inclusive design of work environments in industry 5.0

    Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

  7. El aprendizaje profundo con el modelo ABP: experiencia de la facultad de ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea

    In-Red 2023. IX Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red: Modelos transformadores docentes para un aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida

  8. Evolución de la fatiga superficial en engranajes de acero al carbono

    XXIV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica

  9. Exploring a Methodological Approach to Assessing the Potential Impact of the Implementation of Circular Economy Strategies on Regional Economies Through Environmentally Extended Input–Output Tables

    19th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems

  10. Exploring the transformation of user interactions to adaptive human-machine interfaces

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

  11. Fault diagnosis of floating offshore wind farms, a benchmark case study


  12. Faulty wind farm simulation: An estimation/control-oriented model

    Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2022

  13. Geometry optimisation of highly crowned gear couplings working in high misalignment applications to reduce tooth root stresses

    MATEC Web of Conferences

  14. Impact of accessibility on O&M of floating offshore wind turbines: Sensitivity of the deployment site

    Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2022

  15. Inclusive design for digital inclusion: the influence of capabilities and prior experience

    Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

  16. Mapping human factors in virtual reality: VRUX

    Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

  17. Methodology with HCD approach for the identification of improvement opportunities in company processes

    Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

  18. Nonlinear harmonic balance modelling for wave energy converter array layout assessment

    Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2022

  19. Nonlinear hydrodynamic modelling for floating wave energy converters: A code-to-code comparison

    Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2022

  20. PEM motako erregai-pilen zenbakizko analisia eta balioztatze esperimentala

    V. Ikergazte. Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu bilduma. Ingeniaritza eta Arkitektura