Capítulos de Libro (7) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Basque industrial co-operative companies: A comparative analysis in terms of economic profitability and social welfare

    The Preston Model and Community Wealth Building: Creating a Socio-Economic Democracy for the Future (Taylor and Francis), pp. 208-222

  2. Energy Efficient and Comfortable Cabin Heating

    SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 89-100

  3. Integration of cutting-edge interoperability approaches in cyber-physical production systems and industry 4.0

    Design, Applications, and Maintenance of Cyber-Physical Systems (IGI Global), pp. 144-172

  4. Lankidetza eta eraikuntza soziala: Mondragoneko esperientziaren aurrekaria

    Burujabetzaren bidetik: Bakoitzak urraturik berea, denon artean geurea (OREKI Fundazioa), pp. 251-258

  5. Strategic Human Resource Management: 37 Years in Academia, How Many in Practice? A Focus on Large Companies

    Beyond Human Resources - Research Paths Towards a New Understanding of Workforce Management Within Organizations

  6. Theoretical Concepts for Describing a Replication-levels-based Uncertainty Analysis Approach

    Advances in Measurements and Instrumentation: Review Book Series (International Frequency Sensor Association IFSA)

  7. Training in higher education in the Covid-19 context: A case study of operationmanagement training in a Business Innovation and Project Management Master

    7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21) (edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València), pp. 253-261